Lymhedema therapy -swelling reduction - Stage 2

Lymphedema Therapy for the treatment of swelling from breast cancer surgery, or any other cancer surgery of the Upper or Lower extremity. In the Phase 2 we do Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Maintenance or reduction of the limb. If you want more advanced techniques with Hivamat assisted device you can upgrade your treatment. In each session we make sure we offer you the best standards. This treatment includes: -Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) to decongest the area or keep reduction of the limb. -Advice on Compression garments (if you need it) - wearing the right and good quality compression garment helps you keep swelling from returning. -Exercise Advice- This includes doing specific exercises to do to help push fluid up and out of your limb. -Skin Care Advice - The purpose is to keep skin moisturized to avoid cracking. Manual Lymphatic Drainage is an effective treatment that uses slow, rhythmic strokes that help the body increase lymphatic circulation and decrease excess fluid (edema), helping to move fluid from an area where the lymphatic system may be compromised, such as following lymph node dissection or radiation treatment for cancer, to an area with healthy lymphatics. Certified Lymphedema therapists only can offer this treatment.